It was a weekend well spent with the residents of Ikate Community. ‘Shielding’ this area are the mansions and other magnificent pieces of architectural excellence which are seen when one drives along the highway.

Mrs. Tourism will forever remain grateful to both the National and International Organisers of the United Nations Pageants for the life-changing exposure these titles continue to provide on a daily basis.

I sure had fun with the indigenes, especially the boisterous children and women. Some of the women said they’d like to be like Mrs. Tourism, but when the ‘test of faith’ came, and they were asked to replace their sodas with water, they failed. “Aunty, abeg give me mineras, I no wan water (Aunty, please give me soda, I don’t need water)” Haahaha! On a pathetic note, I may never understand why a child would decide to dig the ground, bury his food, with the hope of joining the queue for another pack. He was nabbed by our anti-corruption unit. Really sad! May God equip all parents/Guardians/Caregivers with everything needed to raise our children aright.

Special appreciation first to God Almighty for the resources, strength and health to successfully execute this project. To Maria Svensson, my third Mum (after my biological mother and mother-in-law) for all the love and support that go way beyond just financial. Thank You Ma! Mr. Hafeez Shotande, thank you for your interest and contribution towards this. Obehi (my connection guru for this project), Kemoncé, Adibuah, Deji, you guys are the best! Mr. Pascal Obiwulu, your expertise as a three-time father made all the difference, and was visible in the way you engaged the children. There was no dull moment. Peter, Ruth, Mmesoma Kanu, coordination would have difficult had it not been for you. Daniel, thank you for capturing these beautiful moments